If day or night affects only the lighting and appearance, then the rain completely changes the trajectory of passage and adds extreme, because the tires keep the car on the road much worse. Various weather conditions and times of day have been implemented. Any inaccuracy when braking or entering a turn can be fatal, because catching a car is not so easy.
Physics of transport behavior, close to real, gives a full range of sensations of a real road. With the proper skill, you can try to create your own tracks to compete on them with other gamers. Both can be customized and various images can be added to helmets, kart body and racing suit. The more seeds and lechers the file has the faster it will download. It is possible to create your own pilot and his car. Click on the green arrow to start torrent download or click on the title of the game to view full details about the torrent file including the number of seeders and lechers. Instead, there are the usual solo training races and multiplayer battles behind one monitor screen, or using a local network or the Internet. The goal is to create software useful as a training tool for real drivers, based on a physics engine built.
The game lacks opponents controlled by artificial intelligence, as well as a campaign mode, both single-player and co-op. Kart Racing Pro is a realistic kart simulator. This is necessary for the most complete immersion in the process and simulation of these conditions. Also, support for modern virtual reality technology is available using special helmets.

Optionally, you can connect almost all types of computer steering wheels and gamepads to control vehicles.

You will be in a real world racing simulation game where will go to conquer the race tracks with a variety of locations and. Gamers are given the opportunity to explore various tracks around the world designed for karting. KartKraft arcade racing game in the style of a kart, where you are invited to become a full participant in the racing events where the competition can beat the strongest. Kart racing pro - the most realistic racing simulator that gives a driving experience close to the real one.